diarist had famously quoted- “Whoever is happy will make others happy too”. This
is very apt if applied in today’s human capital management scenario as
eventually, a happy employee would definitely be a productive employee, and it
is these productive employees who primarily drive growth. At Synechron, we
strive hard to ensure our employees – also known as Synechronites – follow this
very principle and remain happy and motivated. For a global FinTech company
like Synechron which is primarily in a business driven by global talent and
their performance, the happiness and well-being quotient is taken absolutely
has emphasized on the fact that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
Apart from our commitment to supporting Synechronites in their aspirations and
professional goals, Synechron strives to provide a culture that is synonymous with
healthy, fun and frolic and innovative.
organizations to roll-out certain programs and initiatives that ensure our
talented workforce has a wonderful time unwinding. All the 18 Synechron offices
across the globe boast of world-class infrastructure that is inspired by an “Open
Door” culture – something that is followed to the “tee”. This kind of a
colorful and fresh office setup ideally sets the tone for employees to be
intrinsically happy. Furthermore, the aspect of direct communication with the
leadership team, including the Co-founders through various initiatives like Meet
the CEO Sessions, Town Halls, Huddle Weeks etc. are instrumental in breaking
the ice and cultivating a culture that fosters productivity and the attribute
of being content at work.
employee of today is not necessarily only a “bookworm”. Most of them are health
freaks and want to live a healthy life while maintaining the work-life balances.
Keeping this in mind, Synechron India provides facilities like state-of-the-art
gymnasium, alternate work-out sessions like Zumba, Yoga and Cycling and
numerous health awareness sessions under the aegis of its GetFit and SynechronCares
initiative. To complement and support the hard work put in by Synechronites to
sweat it out, massage chairs are available in all the recreational zones, apart
from break rooms and on-duty doctors.
has always believed in “keeping its ears open” and treats employee feedback
with kid gloves. We have always laid emphasis on hearing what Synechronites
have to wish for. Their concerns and requests are heard, deliberated upon and
definitely rolled-out if found to be feasible. A classic example of this would
be the casual dress code and the hiring of the spouse policies that were
implemented basis feedback from employees. Furthermore, the introduction of recreational
facilities like library, internet café, Xbox game zone and play area
exclusively for our employees has been the end product of analyzing what our
employees want.
one talks about ensuring employees are happy and content, celebrations and
festivities are something that cannot be excluded at all! At Synechron, all the
festivals bearing their individual regional importance are celebrated with much
ado. Various competitions and events are regularly organized revolving around
the festivals including Diwali, Navratri, Christmas, Eid to name a few. The
happiness does not only stop at celebrating festivals. At Synechron, it
continues much beyond with the aspect of “Giving back to society” being
celebrated with much fervor through our Corporate Social Responsibility
Synechron, that extra mile is always traversed to ensure the employee
satisfaction quotient is transformed to employee delight and we feel that the “Happy
at Work Award – 2017” being bestowed upon us in testimony to that!
John Gaunt, Chief Human Resources Officer at Synechron |