Startup Terminal Bureau
Every Human being needs motivation. Movies are good source of motivation for all of us. Here is a list of 10 Motivational Hollywood movies especially listed for entrepreneurs.
1) Slumdog
Millionaire (2008)
Directed by
Danny Boyle
2) Forrest
Gump (1994)
Directed by
Robert Zemeckis
3) The
Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Directed by
Frank Darabont
4) Eat Pray
Love (2010)
Directed by
Ryan Murphy
5) Freedom
Writers (2007)
Directed by
Richard Lagravenese
6) October
Sky (1999)
Directed by
Joe Johnston
7) Coach
Carter (2005)
Directed by
Thomas Carter
8) Cast Away
Directed by
Robert Zemeckis
9) Remember the
Titans (2000)
Directed by
Boaz Yakin
10) The
Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Directed by
Gabriele Muccino